Tanzania Pamoja Learning Review

The Christian Council of Tanzania (CCT) implemented the Pamoja Kongwa project from 2014 to 2017 in 25 project villages in Kongwa district to increase access to financial and social capital. The Pamoja methodology is based on the SHG approach and was adapted for Tanzania; it is primarily conducted through the church. Through desk reviews, interviews and focus group discussions, this program evaluation determined that the Pamoja Kongwa project met and exceeded most of its objectives. It exceeded the target number of beneficiaries, reduced poverty among the poorest households by 25.3% (a 10% decrease in poverty overall), formed 167 groups and increased access to safe water within 1km of the household by 23%. The groups functioned almost entirely independently after three years, though they could benefit from a more regular monitoring schedule and more local facilitators. Social connections, personal relationships, and access to finance options were all improved through the project, and there was no defaulting on loans. Data collection on the part of CCT should be more regular and coordinated. It was also found that greater focus should be placed on increasing the depth and the quality of existing groups rather than increasing the number of groups.

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